Welcome to Brooke’s Binder…a collection of documents from Brooke that will probably continue to grow for quite some time. Brooke will hopefully appreciate the friendly pun since his last name happens to be Binder (but with a short i).
- Profiling Record Sheet
- Bee Space and Equipment Compatibility
- Caring for Bees in Springtime
- Splitting Beehives
- Are Your Bees Going to Swarm
- Swarming: Causes & Prevention
- Mixing and Feeding Syrup
- Feeding Fumagilin
- Miticide List
- Treating for Mites
- Miticide Treatment Record
- Uniting/Combining Colonies of Bees
- Brooke’s Wintering Preparations
- Winter Prep Checklist
- Winter Moisture Board
- Wrapping Hives for Winter
- Outer Cover Designs
- Factors Causing Colony Losses